Welcome to the Betty Jean Brown Foundation

We’ve always been told: ‘eat your vegetables’. But what if you’ve never had the chance? Across America, thousands of children and teenagers go without fresh fruit and vegetables, with no access to affordable produce. And without fresh fruit and vegetables, they are also going without crucial vitamins and minerals needed for growing and healthy bodies.


But the Betty Jean Brown Foundation is looking to change that. 


For just $25 a month, you can continuously provide a child with fresh produce, helping them to lead a nutritionally balanced life, and help them fall in love with fruit and vegetables. 

Our Mission

Empowering children and teens in food deserts with nutrition education and access to produce.

Our Vision

We envision a time when all U.S. children have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

What We Do

Underserved communities often see their youth go without fresh fruit and vegetables, stunting both their development, health and overall well-being. But for only $25 per month, you could change that for one child, helping them to lead a nutritionally balanced life.  Most children go without a serving of fruit or vegetables every day simply because they don’t have access to fresh produce. But the Betty Jean Brown Foundation is looking to change that, and with your support. Together, we can change a child’s life.

Volunteer With Us

The Betty Jean Brown Foundation relies on its weekly mentors, teachers, event volunteers, group volunteers, and volunteers who provide other types of support, like office and administrative support, to make its programs possible.


To you, it’s a few hours each week. To a child receiving fresh produce, it’s a gift of health and well being, nurturing and connection. All it takes is commitment, consistency, and care – in any form.

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